Originally published in the Mid-America Paleontological Society Digest, March 1985. This was updated in 2011.
By Alan Goldstein
Paleozoic corals are widely distributed throughout the world. They can be found in sedimentary rock layers where environmental conditions were favorable. Based on evidence, most corals thrived in warm, tropical marine conditions comparable to modern scleractinian corals (of which they were not related).
Like many forms of life in the ocean, some genera had world-wide (cosmopolitan) distribution, while others lived within a very restrictive environment. Within a small geographic area, some Paleozoic corals served as index fossils (i.e. for correlation of specific strata). However, over large areas they have limited value as compared to other phyla. Corals have been used to recreate landmass distribution and the location of channels or seaways connecting otherwise separated seas during the Paleozoic (see Oliver, 1976).
The Devonian Period was the ‘age of corals’ because the continents were located within +/- 30 degrees of the equator. Large areas of the present continents were submerged under shallow seas (comparable to Philippines / New Guinea area today) – ideal for the development of coral ecosystems. True reefs where corals grew on top of one another (like a barrier reef) were few and far between. Most formed patch reefs – bioherms or biostromes – with ecosystems comparable to the shallow waters of Florida Bay.
In North America, major Devonian coral deposits can be found in Nevada (Lower Devonian), Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, New York and Ontario (Middle Devonian) and Iowa and Alberta (Upper Devonian). There are other states with Devonian corals (Missouri, Tennessee, etc.), but exposures are much more limited.
Environmental conditions for maximum coral diversity required shallow, clear seas where sunlight could penetrate. An abundance of plankton (a primary food source) was also essential. Peak species diversity is associated with limestone deposits, indicating minimal sources of terrestrial sediments (like shale-forming clays). Species diversity and maximum physical size drops off significantly in Devonian shale deposits.
The richest coral deposit of the Devonian Period in North America is the “coral zone” of the Jeffersonville Limestone found at the Falls of the Ohio and its neighborhood. Here corals are found atop corals, some in growth position, but most are preserved in a random, storm-tossed, orientation. Indiana and Kentucky (which share most species) have over 100 genera. This is more than the second and third on the list (Nevada and Ontario) combined!
Corals are typically identified by slice them and studying their internal structure. Many corals were named in the 19th century by external characteristics. While many corals have been studied and re-named, not every old name is invalid. Sometimes the genus identification is possible, even when the species is not. It takes a number of characteristics to identify any species of any type of organism, because of variability of traits. What holds true today is also true in the fossil record.
Among those amateurs fascinated in paleontology, corals always rank near the bottom of the list. While it is true that they are more difficult than brachiopods and trilobites, they offer a tremendous variation of growth habits, symmetry, and overall beauty. For fossil collectors, this is lack of interest is a mixed blessing. Really nice coral specimens are inexpensive compared to equally well-preserved trilobites or crinoids. However, corals are not widely available for collectors and there is not a lot of diversity in the paleontology market. On occasion, one might find an uncommon coral priced less than a common trilobite!
Corals have more distinct external features than bryozoans and sponges. The process of silicification (replacement of calcite by quartz) may bring our external features in exquisite detail. This increases their beauty because corals have great three-dimensional structure, but the process that exposes the fine structure of the coral exterior hollows out the interior, destroying critical diagnostic microstructure.
Growth bands on Devonian corals indicate a year was roughly 410 days (Wells, 1944). This matches the prediction that the Earth’s orbit is slowly decreasing its distance from the sun. The same gravitation force is also pulling the Moon further and further from the Earth. The Moon – and its tidal influence – was stronger 390 million years ago than today.
The following list of coral genera was pulled from the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (volume F, Coelenterata, Supplement 1, Rugosa and Tabulata, (Hill, 1981). It is not a perfect list, and additional scientific work has added and possibly deleted the names on the list. In addition, typos can creep in and spell check is of no help with Latin names. Additions and corrections by readers are welcome.
Notes regarding the list
A question mark before the name (?Amplexiphyllum), the type species has not been studied for the genus. Those who have studied subsequent species assign to the genus cannot absolutely vouch for its accuracy.
A question mark after the name (Strombodes?) indicates that the genus may occur, but it is not known for certain.
A question mark in the age, indicates the genus may not occur and it may be something else.
A single asterisk (*) before the name indicates that the state listed is the only known North American occurrence of the genus.
Two asterisks (**) before the name indicates that the state listed is the only known occurrence of the genus in the world.
l = lower, m = middle, u = upper
Ord = Ordovician, Sil = Silurian, Dev = Devonian, Mis = Mississippian, Pen = Pennsylvanian, Per = Permian
Barylasma l-m Mis
Baryphyllum m Mis
Pseudozaphrentoides Mis
Acrocyathus Mis-Pen
*Ageolites u Ord
Chaetetipora ?u Ord
Dipyphyllum Mis-Pen
*Eostrotion m Mis
Lithostrotion u Mis
*Martinophyllum m Dev
Pachyfavosites(?) u Ord – u Sil
Parastriatopora Sil
*Plasmophyllum ?u Sil
Rhabdotetradium u Ord
**Sarcinula u Ord
Sciophyllum u Mis
*Sinopora l Per
Siphonodendron m Mis
Stelliporella Sil
Striatopora ?u Sil
Tabulophyllum u Dev
Thecostegites m or u Dev
Barytichisma l Pen
Caninostrotian u Mis
Kindkaidia u Mis
Konickophyllum Mis
Lophophyllidium Pen – Per
Parastriatoporella l Pen
Aulocystis m Dev
Bayhaium l Per
Bighornia u Ord
Dalmanophyllum l Sil
Dohmophyllum ?u Sil
Ekvasophyllum(?) m Mis
**Klamathastraea ?u Sil
Paleocyclus l Sil
Paleophyllum um – u Ord
*Petrozium ?lm Sil
Pycnostylus Sil
Rhegmaphyllum lm Sil
*Ryderophyllum Sil
**Shastaphyllum u Sil or l Dev
Vesiculophyllum Mis
**Wintunastraea u Sil or l Dev
Bighornia u Ord
Calapoecia u Ord
Homalophyllites l Mis
Stereostylus Pen
Amplexus Mis
Bighornia u Ord
Dorlodotia u Mis
Duncanopora Pen
Faberophyllum (?) m Mis
Pleurosiphonella Mis
Sciophyllum u Mis
Acrocyathus Mis
Amplexizaphrentis u Mis
Amplexus(?) Mis
Asthenophyllum m Sil
?Auloporella ul – lm Sil
Aulozoa m Sil
Beaumontia Mis
Caninostrotian u Mis
Comanaphyllum m Dev
Cleistopora l Mis
Cumminsia(?) u Mis
Favosites m Sil, m Dev
**Grabauphyllum m Sil
Kindkaidia uu Mis
Lophophyllidium Pen
Microcyathus m Dev
Microcyclus m Dev
Palaeacis Mis
Vesiculophyllum l Mis
Indiana and Kentucky
Note: Indiana only (I), Kentucky only (K)
Acinophyllum l-m Dev
Acrocyathus Mis
Acrophyllum l-m Dev
Aemuliophyllum l Dev
Alveolites m Sil, l-m Dev
Amplexizaphrentis u Mis
?Amplexiphyllum m Dev
Amplexus Mis
Amsdenoides u Sil
Anisophyllum u Sil
Antholites m Dev
Arachnophyllum m Sil
Asthenophyllum m Sil
Astrocerium m Sil
Aulacophyllum m Dev
Aulocystis l-m Dev
Aulopora m Sil, m Dev
Barylasma l-m Mis
Baryphyllum m Mis
Bethanyphyllum m Dev
?Blothrophyllum l-m Dev
Bordenia m Dev (I), l-m Mis
**Bractea l-m Dev
Breviphrentis m Dev
Bucanophyllum m Dev
Calapoecia u Ord
Cayugaea m Dev
Chonostegites m Dev
**Cladionophyllum m Dev
Cladochonus m Mis
Cladopora m Dev
Clinophyllum (I) l-m Mis
Coenites m-u Sil
**Coleophyllum l-m Dev
**Cladiophyllum l-m Dev
**Compressiphyllum l Dev
Comanophyllum? m Dev
Craterophyllum m Sil, m Dev
Cumminsia u Mis
Cyathocylindrium l-m Dev
“Cylindrophyllum” m Dev (not a valid genus according to W. A. Oliver)
Cystelasma m Mis
Cystihalysites m Sil
Cystiphylloides m Dev
Cystiphyllum m Sil
Dalmanophyllum m Sil
**Diorychropora m Sil
?Diplochone m Dev
Disphyllum m Dev
Dokophyllum m Sil
Duncanella m Sil
Edaphophyllum m Dev
Egosiella (K) m Sil
Enallophrentis m Dev
Entelophyllum m Sil
Eridophyllum m Dev
Favistina u Ord
Foerstephyllum u Ord
Favosites m Sil, l-m Dev
Favosites (Emmonsia) l-m Dev (listed as genus in Treatise)
Grewingkia u Ord
Hadrophyllum (I) m Dev
Hallia m Dev
Halysites m Sil
Hapsiphyllum m Mis
Heliolites m Sil
Heliophyllum m Dev
“Heterophrentis” m Dev (not a valid genus according to W. A. Oliver)
Homalophyllites l-m Mis
**Homalophyllum l Dev
Iowaphyllum m Dev
Kindkaidia uu Mis
**Kionelasma l Dev
Kodonophyllum m Sil
Lamprophyllum m Sil (=Plasmophyllum?)
Lecfedites l Dev
Michelinia l-m Dev?, m Mis
?Microcyathus (I) Mis
Odontophyllum m Dev
Palaeacis Mis
Palastraea u Mis
Palealveolites (K) m Ord
Paratetradium m-u Ord
**?Phymatophyllum m Dev (may be Bethanyphyllum)
Planalveolites(?) m Sil
Plasmopora m Sil
Platyaxum l-m Dev
Pleurodictyum l-m Dev
Pleurodictyum (Granulidictyum) m Dev (listed as genus in Treatise)
Pleurodictyum (Pachyprocteria) m Dev (listed as subgenus of Procteria in Treatise)
Pleurodictyum (Procteria) m Dev (listed as genus in Treatise)
Prismatophyllum l-m Dev
Propora m Sil
Protarea u Ord
Protoheliolites u Ord
**Protopora m Miss
Quepora m Sil
Rhabdocyclus m Sil
Rhabodotetradium m Ord
Rhizophylloides (K) u Sil
Rhizophyllum m Sil
Romingeria m Sil, m Dev
Saffordophyllum m-u Ord
**Scenophyllum l-m Dev
Schlotheimophyllum m Sil
Schoenophyllum m Miss
Siphonophrentis m Dev
?Skoliophyllum m Dev
Stauromatidium l-m Dev
Stereolasma m Dev
Streptolasma? u Ord, m Sil
Striatopora m Sil, m Dev
Strombodes? M Sil
Syringopora l-m Dev
Syringoporella (I) m Miss?
Tabulophyllum m Dev
Tetradium m-u Ord
Thamnopora m Dev
Thamnopytchia m Dev
Thecia m Sil
**Triplophyllum m Dev
Triplophyllites m Mis
Trochoplasma l-m Mis
Tryplasma m Sil
Zaphrentis l Sil?, m Dev
Acanthohalysites l – u Sil
Arachnophyllum l – m Sil
Aulocaulis u Dev
Bighornia u Ord
Charactophyllum u Dev
Cleistopora l Mis
Crenulites u Ord
**Dipterophyllum l Mis
Disphyllum u Dev
Goniophyllum l Sil
Hexagonaria u Dev
Homalophyllites l Miss
Iowaphyllum u Dev
Kionophyllum Pen
Mastopora u Dev
Pachyphyllum u Dev
Plexituba u Dev
Pterorhiza u Dev
?Smithiphyllum u Dev
Stereosylus Pen
Tabulophyllum u Dev
Vesiculophyllum Mis
**Axolithophyllum Pen
Dibunophyllum Pen
**Geyerophyllum Pen
Herischiella l Per
Kionophyllum Pen
Lophoamplexus Pen – l Per
Lophophyllidium Pen – Per
Neokonickophyllum Pen
Sestrophyllum Pen
*Sochkineophyllum l Per
Stereosylus Pen
Sutgerlandia Mis
Amplexiphyllum l Dev
Arcturia Sil
Astrocerium Sil
Briantelasma Sil, l Dev
Cystihalysites Sil
Entelophyllum Sil
Holmophyllum Sil
Labyrinthites m or u Sil
*Lyrielasma l Dev
Kodonophyllum Sil
Phaulactis Sil
Propora Sil
Ptychophyllum Sil
Spongeophylliodes Sil
Streptelasma? Sil
Tryplasma Sil
Xystriphyllum u Sil
Zaphrentis l Dev
Cryptolichenaria l Ord
*Embolophyllum l Dev
Rhabdotetradium m Ord
Antholites m Dev
Arachnophyllum l-m Sil
Argustastra m Dev
Asterobillingsia l-m Dev
Australophyllum l-m Dev
Aulacophyllum m Dev
Aulocystis l-m Dev
Bethanyphyllum m Dev
**Camptolithus m Sil
Comanophyllum m Dev
Cystriphorolites m Sil
**?Dendrofavosites m Dev
Despasophyllum m Dev
Disphyllum m Dev
Egosiella m Sil
Favosites m Sil, l-m Dev
Favosites (Emmonsia) l-m Dev (listed as genus in Treatise)
Eridophyllum m Dev
Hallia m Dev
**Heterolasma l or m Sil
Hexismia Sil
Iowaphyllum m Dev
Lambelasma um Ord
?Lambeophyllum m Ord
Michelinia l-m Dev
Multisolenia Sil
**Pachyphragma m Dev
Paleocyclus m Dev
?Planalveolitella m Dev
Platyaxum m Dev
Pleurodictyum l-m Dev
Pleurodictyum (Granulidictyum) m Dev (listed as genus in Treatise)
Pleurodictyum (Procteria) m Dev (listed as genus in Treatise)
Prismatophyllum m Dev
Protoheliolites u Ord
Ptychophyllum m Dev
Pycnostylus m Sil
Romingeria m Dev
?Smithiphyllum m Dev
Streptelasma m Ord
Tabulophyllum m Dev
Thamnopytchia m Dev
Tortophyllum m Dev
Bighornia u Ord
Crenulites u Ord
**Lichenaria m Ord
Vesiculophyllum Mis
**Bainbridgia u Sil
Beaumontia Mis
Caninia Mis
Cleistopora l Mis
Clinophyllum l Mis
Comanophyllum m Dev
**Conopoterium uu Dev or ll Mis
Favosites m Dev
Heliophyllum m Dev
Homalophyllites l-m Mis
Lophoamplexus Pen
*Meniscophyllum Mis
Metriophyllum Mis?
?Microcyathus Mis
Microcyclus m Dev
Neozaphrentis Mis
*Pseudocryptophyllum l Miss
Sterostylus Pen
Sutherlandia Mis
?Tabellaephyllum Mis
Tabulophyllum m Dev
Amplexocarina Mis
Amplexus Mis
Ankhelasma m Mis
Aulostylus l Mis
*Bradyphyllum l Pen?
**Cambrophyllum u Cam (predecessor to tabulate?)
Cambrotrypa m Cam (coral?)
Caninia Mis
*Enygmophyllum Mis
**Fasciculiamplexus l Pen
Homalophyllites l Mis
**Longiclara u Mis
Pseudozaphrentoides Mis
Vesiculophyllum Mis
?Zaphrentiphyllum m Mis
Aphroidophyllum l Dev
Australophyllum l-m? Dev
Bayhaium l Per
Bighornia u Ord
Breviphrentis l Dev
**Breviphyllum l Dev
**Carlinastraea l Dev
Cyathophylloides u Sil
*Cyathophyllum l Dev
Denayphyllum u Sil
Disphyllum u Dev
Durhaminia Pen – l Per
**Eastonoides l Per
**Eoheritschoides l Per
Exilifrons l –m Per
?Haptolasma u Mis
*Heintzella Pen
Heritschoides l Per
**Kleopatrina l Pen
**Kobeha l Dev
Lekanophyllum(?) m Dev
*Mucophyllum l Dev
Multithecopora l Pen
*Moravophyllum m Dev
**Neophyma l Dev
**Neosyringopora l Per
Nevadaphyllum l Dev
Orionastraea l Per
**Orthocyathus m Dev
**Paleogryphophyllum l Dev
*Papiliophyllum l Dev
Peripaedium m Dev
**Prohexagonaria m or u Sil
**Porfirierella l Per
Radiastraea l – lm Dev
Rhabdocyclus Pen
Salairophyllum l Dev
?Smithiphyllum l Dev
Sociophyllum m Dev
Stereostylus Pen
Stylopleura l Dev
Tabulophyllum m Dev
Taimyrophyllum m Dev
**?Tonkinaria l Dev
**Toquimaphyllum m Dev
Utaratuia m Dev
Vesiculophyllum Mis
Zonodiagonophyllum m Dev
New Mexico
Acrocyathus Mis
Amplexizaphrentis u Mis
Calapoecia u Ord
Caninia Mis
Favistina u Ord
Hapsiphyllum(?) m Mis
Homalophyllites l Mis
Lophophyllidium Pen – Per
Manipora m-u Ord
Paleofavosites u Ord – u Sil
Paleophyllum um-u Ord
Protochiscolithus u Ord
New York
Acinophyllum l-m Dev
Acrophyllum l-m Dev
Aemuliophyllum l Dev
Alveolites l-m Dev
?Amplexiphyllum m Dev
Ankisophyllum l Dev
Antholites m Dev
Asterobillingsia l-m Dev
Astrocerium m Sil
Aulacophyllum m Dev
Aulocaulis u Dev
Aulocystis l-m Dev
Bethanyphyllum m Dev
Billingsaria m Ord
Briantelasma l Dev
?Cannapora l Sil
Charactophyllum u Dev
Cladopora Sil, m Dev
Cladochonus m-u Dev
Cyathocylindrium l-m Dev
Cylindrophyllum l-m Dev
Cystiphylloides m Dev
*Diplophyllum m Dev
Disphyllum m Dev
Edaphophyllum m Dev
Elasmophyllum m Dev
Enterolasma u Sil – l Dev
Eridophyllum m Dev
Favosites m Sil, l-m Dev
Favosites (Emmonsia) l-m Dev (listed as genus in Treatise)
Foerstephyllum u Ord
Grewgiphyllum m Dev
Hallia m Dev
Heliophyllum m Dev
?Lambeophyllum m Ord
Lamotia m Ord
Lecfedites l Dev
*Lopholasma m Dev
Lyopora m Ord
Macgeea u Dev
Metriophyllum m-u Dev
Pachyphyllum u Dev
Pleurodictyum l-m Dev
**Polydilasma m Sil
Phytopsis m-u Ord
Platyaxum m Dev
Prismatophyllum m Dev
**Pseudoblothrophyllum l Dev
Rhizophyllum l Sil – l Dev
Romingeria m Dev
Siphonophrentis m Dev
Stereolasma m dev
**?Stewartophyllum m Dev
Streptolasma m Ord
Striatopora m Sil, m Dev
Synaptophyllum m Dev
Thamnoptychia m Dev
Xystriphyllum(?) l-m Dev
Acervularia(?) m-u Sil
Acinophyllum l-m Dev
Aemuliophyllum l Dev
Alveolites l-m Dev
Aulacophyllum m Dev
Aulocystis l-m Dev
Aulopora m Dev
Bethanyphyllum m Dev
Breviphrentis m Dev
Bucanophyllum m Dev
Calostylis Sil
Cladopora u Sil, m Dev
Cyathocylindrium(?) l-m Dev
Cylindrophyllum l-m Dev
Cystiphylloides m Dev
Enallophrentis m Dev
Eridophyllum m Dev
Favosites m Sil, l-m Dev
Favosites (Emmonsia) l-m Dev (listed as genus in Treatise)
Favostina u Ord
Grewgiphyllum m Dev
Grewingkia u Ord
Hadrophyllum l-m Dev
Hallia m Dev
Heliophyllum m Dev
*Holophragma l-m Sil
Lophoamplexus Pen
Lophophyllidium Pen
Nyctopora u Ord
Odontophyllum m Dev
Platyaxum m Dev
?Planalveolites m Dev
Pleurodictyum l-m Dev
Pleurodictyum (Procteria) m Dev (listed as genus in Treatise)
Prismatophyllum m Dev
Protarea u Ord
Protoheliolites u Ord
Romingeria m Dev
Saffordophyllum u Ord
Siphonophrentis m Dev
?Skoliophyllum m Dev
Synaptophyllum m Dev
Syringopora m Dev
Thamnopora m Dev
Thamnoptychia m Dev
Zaphrentis m Dev
Acaciapora l Pen
Amplexocarina Pen
Anisophyllum u Sil
**Capnophyllum u Sil
Dibunophyllum Pen?
Egosiella u Sil
**Empodesma l Pen
**Gymnophyllum m Pen
Leonardophyllum l Pen
Lophoamplexus Pen – l Per
Lophophyllidium l Pen
Neokonickophyllum Pen
**Oliveria u Sil
Palaeacis Mis
Parastriatoporella l Pen
**Petalaxis l Pen
*Petraia u Sil
Phytopsis m-u Ord
Rhabdotetradium m Ord
Rhizophyllum l Sil – l Dev
Sestrophyllum Pen
Spongophylloides m-u Sil
**Stereocorypha l Pen
Stereostylus Pen
Sutherlandia Mis
Sutherlandinia u Mis
Dibunophyllum Pen?
Heritschoides l Per
Lithostrotian(?) u Mis
Spongophylloides m-u Sil
Paratetradium m-u Ord
Amsdenoides u Sil
Anisophyllum u Sil
Astrocerium m Sil
Barylasma l-m Mis
Baryphyllum m Mis
Billingsaria m Ord
Coenites u Sil
Craterophyllum u Sil
Cystihalysites u Sil
Ditoecholasma u Sil
Egosiella u Sil
Favosites u Sil – l Dev
**Laccophyllum m Sil
Palastraea u Mis
Paleoalveolites m Ord?
Paratetradium m-u Ord
Platyaxum u Sil
*Pseudoplasmapora u Sil
Pseudozaphrentis Mis
Rhabdotetradium m Ord
Rhizophyllum l Sil – l Dev
Saffordophyllum m-u Ord
Stelliporella Sil
Stortophyllum u Sil
Thecia l-u Sil
Amplexocarina Pen
Barytichisma l Pen
Bighornia u Ord
Calapoecia u Ord
Catenopora(?) u Ord
**Coccoseris u Ord
Crenulites u Ord
Cryptolichenaria l Ord
Cumminsia l pen
Dibunophyllum Penn?
Durhamina Pen – l Per
**Empodesma l Pen
Konickophyllum Pen
Leonardophyllum u Pen – l Per
Lophophyllidium l Pen
Lophotichium l Per
Manipora m-u Ord
?McLeodea u Ord
Multithecopora Pen
Neokonickophyllum Pen
Paleofavosites u Ord – u Sil
Paleophyllum um – u Ord
Parastriatoporella l Pen
Pragnellia(?) u Ord
Protrochiscolithus u Ord
Saffordophyllum m-u Ord
Sestrophyllum Pen
**Stereocorypha l Pen
Stereostylus Pen
**Thamnoporella m Pen
Timorophyllum u Per
**Trabeculites u Ord
*Verbeekiella Per
**Yabeiphyllum Pen – l Per
Amplexus Mis
Ankhelasma m Mis
Barytichisma l Pen
Bighornia u Ord
*Circophyllum Sil?
Cystihalysites Sil
Duncanopora Pen
Ekvasophyllum m Mis
Faberophyllum m Mis
?Haplolasma u Mis
Paleocyclus l Sil
Rhabdocyclus l Sil
Turbophyllum m Miss
Lamottia m Ord
Acinophyllum m Dev
Pleurosiphonella Mis
Pseudozaphrentis Mis
Rhabdotetradium m Ord
Hexagonaria u Dev
Hexaphylia u Mis – l Per
*Peneckiella m Dev
Phillipsastraea m Dev
Synaptophyllum m Dev
Trapezophyllum m Dev
West Virginia
Acrocyathus m Mis
Hadrophyllum m Dev
Acanthohalysites l-u Sil
Coenites m-u Sil
Dalmanophyllum m Sil
Favistina u Ord
Lamelasma um Ord
?Lambeophyllum m Ord
Microplasma l Sil
?Planalveolitella m Dev
**Syringocolumna m Sil
Amplexus Mis
Bighornia u Ord
Calapoecia u Ord
Duncanopora Pen