Mollusks, including snails, clams, cephalopods, monoplacoferans & rostroconchs

Mollusks are the most abundant “shell” on a beach or riverbank. Modern cephalopods include squid, octopus and nautiloids. They are (and have always been) strictly marine. Gastropods (snails) live in the greatest diversity of ecosystems – marine, fresh & brackish water and on land. Clams are similar except for land. Monoplacophorans & scaphopods are exclusively marine. Rostroconchs are the only extinct class of mollusks.

Mollusk Photos (organized by class)

Bembexia sulcomarginata - an exceptional specimen of a common Devonian snail.
Bembexia sulcomarginata (Hall) – an exceptional specimen of a common Devonian species.

Preservation: C = Calcified, Ph = Phosphatic, P = Pyritized, S = Silicified, 1= w/o, matrix, 2 = w/ matrix

CEPHALOPODS                                Period                                            Location                Preservation


Dawsonoceras amycus                       Middle Silurian                              IN                           C,2

 Nautiloid cephalopod Michelinoceras sp. is generally found in small segments. This is the largest I found almost 16 cm long.
Michelinoceras sp. is generally found in small segments. This is the largest I found.

Michelinoceras sp. – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1

Ovoceras oviforme (or Acleistoceras?) – Sellersburg = North Vernon Limestone, Clark Co., Indiana – S,1

Small, somewhat egg-shaped nautiloid, Ovoceras oviforme
Small, somewhat egg-shaped nautiloid

Treptoceras duseri (Hall & Whitfield) – Ubiquitous in the Upper Ordovician of the Tri-state area (IN, KY, OH), C,1,2

To be determined – large Devonian coiled nautiloid. Extremely rare, this specimen was found at the Speed Quarry in the Jeffersonville Limestone, Middle Devonian.

Large Devonian coiled nautiloid., about 20 com across. Extremely rare, this specimen was found at the Speed Quarry in the Jeffersonville Limestone, Middle Devonian.
Large Devonian nautiloid


Cantabricanites greenei (Miller) – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1

Goniatite cephalopod  Cantabricanites greenei range from a few millimeters to a centimeter wide.
Cantabricanites greenei (Miller) range from a few millimeters to a centimeter wide.

Polaricyclus ballardensis (Work & Mason) – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1

Polaricyclus conkini (Work & Mason) – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1


Actinocamex verus (1)                       Cretaceous                                      United Kingdom    C,1

Baculites sp.                                         Cretaceous                                    Texas                      C,1

Belemitella americanus Jurassic                                      Wyoming C,1

Hastites sp. (baculites)                       Lias, Early Jurassic                           Portugal                 C,1

Hildoceras bifrons                                 ”         ”     ”                                   Portugal                 C,1

Unidentified                                            ”         ”     ”                                  Portugal                 P,1

GASTROPODS/MONOPLACOPHORANS  Period                                   Location                Preservation

Bellerophon gibsoni                  Middle Mississippian               KY                          C,1

Bembexia sulcomarginata                 Middle Devonian                            IN                           S,1,2      

Cyclonema sp.                                     Upper Ordovician                          IN, KY                   C,1,2

Crytolites carinatus (Monoplacophoran)  Upper Ordovician                  KY                          C,1

Glabrocingulum ellenae (Conkin), Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1 (type locality)

Glabrocingulum ellenae  is a common pyrite-replaced snail. 4 in photo.
Glabrocingulum ellenae (Conkin) is a common pyrite-replaced snail

Globularia umbilica                            Upper Cretaceous                          MS                          C,1

Liospira macula                                  Upper Ordovician                            KY                          C,1,2

Lophospira medialis                            Middle Ordovician                         KY                          S1,2

Lophospira biseriatus?                        Upper Ordovician                           KY                          C,1,2

Loxonema sp.                                      Middle Ordovician                          KY                          S,1,2

Loxonema sp. – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1

Pyrite-replaced Loxonema sp. often shows fine growth lines
Loxonema sp. often shows fine growth lines

Paupospira bowdeni                        Upper Ordovician                            KY                          C,1,2

Natica tigra (1)                                     Miocene                                        Poland                   C,1

Naticonema lineata                            Middle Devonian                            IN                           C,1

Platyceras (Orthonychia) acutirostre Middle Mississippian                        KY                          C,1,2

Platyceras spp.                                     Middle Devonian                            IN,KY                    C,2 (variable avail.)

Platyceras (Platystoma) niagarense Middle Silurian                                    IN                           C,1,2

Pleurotomaria sp.                                 Kimmerdgian, Late Jurassic              Portugal                 C,1

Sinuitina annaea (Conkin) – Monoplacophoran – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1 (type locality)

Sinuitina annaea is a monoplacophoran from the Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian,
Sinuitina annaea (Conkin)

Sinuites cancellatus (Monoplacophoran) Upper Ordovician                       KY                          C,1,2

Sphenosphaera troosti                        Middle Ordovician                              KY                          S,1,2

Strophostylus cyclostomus                Middle Silurian                                    IN                           C,1,2

Trepispira sp. – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1

Pyrite-replaced Trepispira from the coral Ridge member of the New  Providence Shale
Pyrite-replaced Trepispira

Turbonopsis shumardi                        Middle Devonian                                IN                           C,1,2 & impressions in stroms

Turretilla mcnairyensis                      Upper Cretaceous                          MS                        C,1

BIVALVES (CLAMS)                              Period                                     Location                Preservation

Ambonychia spp.                                 Upper Ordovician                     IN, KY                    C,1,2     

Anomia argenta                                   Upper Cretaceous                     MS                          C,1

Caritodens demissa                             Upper Ordovician                      IN, KY                    C,2

Crassatella vadosus                            Upper Cretaceous                       MS                          C,1

Ctenodonta sp.  – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1         

Cycloconcha milleri                            Upper Ordovician                         IN                           C,2          

Cypricardinia arata                             Middle Silurian                              IN                           C,2

Deceptrix filistriata                             Upper Ordovician                          KY                          C,1,2

Deceptrix cf. D. hartsvillensis           Middle Ordovician                           KY                          S,1,2

Exogyra costata (Say) – Coon Creek Mbr., Ripley Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Union Co., Mississippi –  C,1

Exogyra costata with Entobia borings from the Coon Creek Mbr., Ripley Formation, Upper Cretaceous
Exogyra costata (Say) with Entobia borings

Limopsis meeki                                       ”           ”                                    MS                          C,1

Limoptera cancellata                          Middle Devonian                           IN                           S,1,2

Lyrodesma conradi                             Upper Ordovician                          KY                          C,1,2

Modiolopsis sp.                                        ”           ”                                   IN, KY                    C,2

Modiomorphia concentrica (Conrad), Sellersburg Limestone, Givetian, Middle Devonian, Clark Co.,  IN -S,2

Clam  Modiomorphia concentrica showing growth rings
Modiomorphia concentrica showing growth rings

Myalina sp.                                           Middle & Upper Mississippian    IN, KY                   C,S,2

Myaina subquadrata Pennsylvanian Kansas                    C,1

Nucula percrassa                                 Upper Cretaceous                         MS                          C,1

Nuculana australis                                   ”           ”                                    MS                          C,1

Nuculana whitfieldi                                 ”           ”                                     MS                          C,1

Nuculopsis sp. – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1

Paracyclas elliptica (ohiense)            Middle Devonian                             IN, KY                    C,S,1,2     

Paracyclas liriata (rugosa)                 ”                 ”                                     IN, KY                    S,1          

Pecten sp.                                              Miocene                                      Oregon                C,2

Phestia sp. – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1

Razor clam Phestia sp. - Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian,
Phestia sp. – an ancient razor clam

Pterinea brisa Hall – Waldron Shale, Middle Silurian, Clark Co., IN – C,2         

Pterinea brisa - a Silurian scallop, often shows district growth bands
Pterinea brisa Hall – a Silurian scallop, often shows district growth bands

Toredo rectus                                       Upper Cretaceous                         MS                          C,1

Vanuxemia gibbosa                            Middle Ordovician                          KY                          S,1,2

Internal casts                                        Middle Devonian                          IN                           C,1

Mother of Pearl fragments            Upper Cretaceous                         MS                          C,1


Dentalium inornatum                         Upper Cretaceous                          MS                          C,1

Dentalium ripleyanum                            ”           ”                                     MS                          C,1

Hippocardia cuneus (Conrad) – Jeffersonville Limestone, Middle Devonian, Clark Co., IN, Jefferson Co., KY – C,1,2

Rostroconch Hippocardia cuneus was called Conocardium at one time.
Hippocardia cuneus was called Conocardium at one time.

Pseuomulceodens cancellatum (Hyde) – Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian, Jefferson Co., KY – P,1

Rostroconch Pseuomulceodens cancellatum (Hyde) - Coral Ridge Member, New Providence Shale, basal Middle Mississippian
Pseuomulceodens cancellatum (Hyde) – a very uncommon rostroconch


Bryozoans appear in the fossil record in the Lower Ordovician but might be found in Late Cambrian. They are colonial animals, dominantly marine. (Freshwater species have an organic skeleton that doesn’t preserve in the fossil record.) Bryozoans are difficult to identify because the internal structure is used. However, some bryozoans have distinctive exterior features.

Septopora subquadra fenestrate "lace" bryozoan
Septopora subquadrans Ulrich

Bryozoan Photos (more to be added)

Archimedes is the central axis of a fenestrate bryozoan. Specimens are often found in matrix.

Preservation: C = Calcified, Ph = Phosphatic, P = Pyritized, S =Silicified, 1= w/o, matrix, 2 = w/ matrix

# No specimens for sale

BRYOZOANS                                           Period                                           Location        Preservation

Amplexopora septosa                         Upper Ordovician                                KY                          C,1,2

 Anastomopora adnata (Hall)? - 2.5 cm view lace bryozoan
Anastomopora adnata (Hall)? – 2.5 cm view

Anastomopora adnata (Hall)# – Jeffersonville Limestone, Middle Devonian, KY – C, 2

Archimedes communis                      Upper Mississippian                            KY                          C,1

 Archimedes confertus central axis
Archimedes confertus Ulrich central axis

Archimedes confertus  Ulrich – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Archimedes distans central axis
Archimedes distans Ulrich central axis

Archimedes distans Ulrich – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Archimedes intermedius 
Archimedes intermedius Ulrich

Archimedes intermedius Ulrich – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Archimedes invaginatus Ulrich central axis
Archimedes invaginatus Ulrich central axis

Archimedes invaginatus Ulrich – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Archimedes laxus                                   ”             ”                                           KY                          C,1

Archimedes macfarlani                          ”             ”                                           KY                          C,1,2

Archimedes meekanoides bryozoan central axis
Archimedes meekanoides McFarlan central axis

Archimedes meekanoides McFarlan – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

 Archimedes meekanus Hall central axis
Archimedes meekanus Hall central axis

Archimedes meekanus Hall – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Archimedes proutanus Ulrich central axis
Archimedes proutanus Ulrich central axis

Archimedes proutanus Ulrich – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Archimedes sp.                                        ”             ”                                         IN,AL                     C,1,2

Aspidopora newberryi (Nicholson) - about 5 mm wide
Aspidopora newberryi (Nicholson) – about 5 mm wide

Aspidopora newberryi (Nicholson)# – a small encrusting species, Upper Ordovician, IN, KY – C1,2

Batostoma gracilis                               Upper Ordovician                                KY,IN                    C,1

Batostoma jamesi                                    ”             ”                                        KY                          C,1

Batostoma varians                                  ”             ”                                         KY,IN                    C,1

"Chaetetes" consimilis from the Waldron shale
“Chaetetes” consimilis Hall

“Chaetetes” consimilis Hall# – current name unknown, flattened fronds. Waldron Shale, Silurian, IN – C,2

 Cheilotrypa hispida Ulrich - 3 cm field small branching bryozoan
Cheilotrypa hispida Ulrich – 3 cm field

Cheilotrypa hispida Ulrich – very small branching bryozoan, Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Chondaulus ponderosa (Rominger) - a massive Devonian species
Chondaulus ponderosa (Rominger)

Chondaulus ponderosa (Rominger) – a massive species in the Jeffersonville Ls., Middle Devonian, IN, KY – C,1,2

Constellaria florida has star-shaped monticules
Constellaria florida Ulrich

Constellaria florida Ulrich – with star-shaped monticules, this genus is very distinctive. Occurs most frequently in flat fronds. Six species in the Upper Ordovician, IN, KY – C,1,2

Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis is mound-shaped
Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis McFarlan

Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis McFarlan# – a massive, often hemispherical trepostome bryozoan of the Upper Ordovician, IN, KY – C,1

Cystodictya lineata has flat fronds
Cystodictya lineata Ulrich

Cystodictya lineata Ulrich – flat fronds, Salem Limestone, Middle Mississippian, KY,IN – C,1,2

Dekayia sp. - Branching bryozoan in the Upper Ordovician
Dekayia sp.

Dekayia sp. – Branching bryozoan in the Upper Ordovician, IN, KY – C,1,2

Eridotrypa macrostoma                     Upper Mississippian                          KY   C,1,2 on crinoids columns

Eridotrypa sp.                                       Middle Devonian                                IN                           C,1,2

Evactinopora radiata is a star-shaped bryozoan from the Fern Glen
Evactinopora radiata Meek & Worthen – 1.5 cm view

Evactinopora radiata Meek & Worthen# – a star-shaped bryozoan from the Fern Glen Formation in Missouri, MO – C,1,2

Fenestella depressa with zooid structures
Fenestella depressa Hall – this example shows zooid structures, 40x

Fenestella depressa Hall# – in the Jeffersonville Limestone, Middle Devonian. KY – S,2

Fenestella acmea, the Waldron species with smaller fenestrules.
Fenestella acmea Hall

Fenestella acmea Hall – the Waldron species with smaller fenestrules. Middle Silurian, IN – C1,2

Fenestella multispinosa fenestrate
Fenestella multispinosa Ulrich – wet, to see zooids better

Fenestella multispinosa Ulrich – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Fenestella parvulipora Hall – the Waldron species with larger fenestrules. Middle Silurian, IN – C1,2

Fenestella sp. - pyrite-replaced, shows zooids
Fenestella sp. – pyrite-replaced, shows zooids

Fenestella sp. (pyrite-replaced) – from the Coral Ridge fauna, basal Borden Fm., Middle Mississippian.

Fenestella tenax fenestrate
Fenestella tenax Ulrich – about 1 cm view

Fenestella tenax Ulrich – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Fistulipora concentrica is a flat to irregular Waldron Shale species.
Fistulipora concentrica Hall – 2.5 cm view

Fistulipora concentrica Hall – flat to irregular Waldron Shale species. Can get large. Middle Silurian, IN – C,2

Fistulipora spergenensis is an abundant bryozoan in Salem Ls., with monticules,
Fistulipora spergenensis Hall

Fistulipora spergenensis Hall – abundant bryozoan in Salem Ls., with monticules, Middle Mississippian, IN, KY – C,1,2

Fistulipora sp. from the Bangor Limestone in Alabama
Fistulipora sp. from the Bangor Limestone in Alabama

Fistulipora sp. – a common genus spanning the Paleozoic. Abundant in the Upper Mississippian, AL, IN, KY – C,1,2

Fistulipora sp.                                       Middle Devonian                                IN,KY                    C,2

Glyptopora michelinea is a rare, distinctive bryozoan that superficially resembles the tabulate coral Michelinea.
Glyptopora michelinea Prout

Glyptopora michelinea Prout # – a rare, distinctive bryozoan that superficially resembles the tabulate coral Michelinea. IN, KY – C,1

Hederella sp. bryozoan on Spinocyrtia granulosa brachiopod in the Middle Devonian
Hederella sp. on Spinocyrtia granulosa (Hall) – Middle Devonian
Hederella encrusting Cystodictya lineata Hall - Middle Mississippian
Hederella encrusting Cystodictya lineata Hall – Middle Mississippian

Hederella sp. on other fossils        Silurian – Mississippian in IN, KY, etc. – C,2

Heterotrypa subfrondosa has large flattened fronds with monticules.
Heterotrypa subfrondosa Cumings – lit by low-angle sunlight to show detail

Heterotrypa subfrondosa Cumings – flattened fronds, large, with monticules. Numerous species of Heterotrypa in the Upper Ordovician, KY – C,1,2

Homotrypa dawsoni ” ”                   KY                          C,1

Homotrypa flabellaris                          ”              ”                                           KY,IN                    C,1

Homotrypella hospitalis - massive, often hemispherical, Upper Ordovician,
Homotrypella hospitalis (Nicholson)

Homotrypella hospitalis (Nicholson) – massive, often hemispherical, Upper Ordovician, IN, KY – C,1

Lioclema sp.  encrusting Mississippian crinoid column. 1 cm view.
Lioclema sp. encrusting Mississippian crinoid column. 1 cm view.

Lioclema sp. – often encrusting other fauna. Silurian – Mississippian, KY, TN – C,2

Lyroporella ovalis                                Upper Mississippian                            KY                          C,1

Lyroporella quincuncialis, a fenestrate with a curving base. Upper Mississippian,
Lyroporella quincuncialis (Hall) – 2 cm field

Lyroporella quincuncialis (Hall)# – fenestrate with a curving base. Upper Mississippian, AL, IN, KY – C,1,2

Monticulapora mammulata                Upper Ordovician                                KY                          C,1

Meekopora exigua                              Upper Mississippian                            KY                          C,1

Parvohallopora oneilli common in Kope Fm., Upper Ordovician, where storm-shattered colonies are common.
Parvohallopora oneilli (James) – fragmented large colony
Parvohallopora oneilli 2 cm view
Parvohallopora oneilli (James) – detail, 2 cm view

Parvohallopora oneilli (James) – common in Kope Fm., Upper Ordovician, where storm-shattered colonies are common. IN, KY – C,1,2

Parvohallopora ramosa                        ”               ”                                         KY,IN                    C,1

Parvohallopora subfrondosa               ”               ”                                           KY                         C,1

Peronopora vera                                    ”               ”                                         KY                         C,2

Polypora spp.                                       Middle Devonian                                KY                         C,2

Polypora cestriensis                             Middle & Upper Mississippian         KY,IN                    C,1,2

Polypora corticosa fenetrate
Polypora corticosa Ulrich

Polypora corticosa Ulrich – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Polypora corticosa fenestrate
Polypora multispinosa Ulrich – ~2cm view

Polypora multispinosa Ulrich – Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Prasopora simulatrix Upper Ordovician                                KY                          C,2

Prismopora serratula is triangular in cross-section, it's uncommon and small. Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian
Prismopora serratula Ulrich – ~2 cm view

Prismopora serratula Ulrich – triangular in cross-section, it’s uncommon and small. Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, KY – C,1,2

Rhopalonaria venosa?                        Upper Ordovician                                KY,IN                    C,2

Saffordotaxis incrassata                    Middle Mississippian                          KY                    C,1 (very small)

Septopora subquadrans is easy to identify with "frowning" fenstrules.
Septopora subquadrans Ulrich – 2.5 cm view

Septopora subquadrans Ulrich – easy to identify with “frowning” fenstrules. Glen Dean Fm., Upper Mississippian, IN, KY – C,1,2

Stromatopora sp.                                 Upper Ordovician                                KY                         C,2

Tabulipora ramosa Ulrich                             Upper Mississippian                            IN, KY                   C,1,2

Trematopora sp. - unknown if this has an updated name,  Waldron Shale, Silurian, IN
Trematopora sp.

Trematopora sp.# – unknown if this has an updated name, Waldron Shale, Silurian, IN – C,1,2

Unidentified disks                               Middle Devonian                                IN                           S,1

Astronomy magazine – Nov. 2009: Watch as Galaxies Collide

This is the version submitted and doesn’t include their editing.

By Alan Goldstein

The night sky is riddled with galaxies – vast agglomerations of stars, dust and gas. While a few seem isolated, most are found in groups or clusters containing dozens to more than a thousand galaxies. The size of an individual galaxy varies from several million stars stretching a couple thousand light years in space to more than a trillion stars spanning several hundred thousand light years.

A lot of empty space seems to lie between galaxies, but this is deceiving. Two near equal-mass galaxies several million light years apart may be drawn together by their mutual gravitational attraction. The effect both builds and destroys galaxies. These galactic collisions can be spectacular hurling stars millions of light years into intergalactic space or they can go virtually unnoticed.

Images from the Hubble telescope’s deep survey’s show that the farther back in time (more distant) one sees, the more galactic crashes may be observed. Astronomers believe (in part from these observations) that the galaxies you can see in your telescope were made by the collision and absorption of others. Physical laws favor the bigger galaxies when they smash together. Unlike a freight train hitting a compact car where the pieces scatter from the impact, the end result between galaxies can be a celestial object of amazing beauty! M51, the Whirlpool galaxy, is a classic example (photo).

M51, Whirlpool Galaxy – photo by Ron Yates

The affects of fly-bys, grazes or mergers between galaxies can make for breath-taking photography and very interesting visual observations. Watching galaxies collide is akin to seeing nature’s finest drama with a single still frame image. It would take thousands of lifetimes to see any changes between interacting galaxies. Disappointed? Don’t be – there is plenty of action “out there” and almost every combination of interaction can be observed.

“Near Misses – Near Hits?”

The gravitational influence between passing galaxies can be incredible even when they don’t appear to be in direct contact. Studies show that most galaxies are surrounded by a halo of gas and dark matter that adds to their bulk. As a result, even a “near miss” can alter the shape of one or both galaxies.

Andromeda’s M31 and M32 are the easiest pair of interacting galaxies to observe. The large spiral seems to be little affected by the proximity of dwarf elliptical M32, but in time the small galaxy will suffer. The bright compact elliptical is visible within the overall glow of the disk of M31. It is a good target for telescopes of any aperture!

M31 with M32 (9 o’clock position and M110 below – Ron Yates photo.

NGC2207 and IC2163 is a pair of spiral galaxies in Canis Major that are passing by one another. The result is a dramatic photograph – one of the favorites from the Hubble Telescope. Visually NGC2207 appears evenly illuminated and somewhat oval, while IC2163 is an open spiral with a low surface brightness giving it a ghostly appearance in comparison. Both are bright and relatively easy in a modest scope under good skies.  In larger scopes a compact nucleus is visible on IC2163.

NGC4618 is an SBc barred spiral interacting with the spiral NGC4625 in Canes Venatici. The latter appears to be a compact spiral, but in reality it has a large disk that has a very low surface brightness. The smaller galaxy turns out to be is physically larger! In his 1966 publication on peculiar galaxies, H. C. Arp noted this duo as odd because the interaction created a pair of one-armed spirals! The interaction has caused both to undergo intense star formation. Both are visible with an 8-inch scope, with NGC4618 dominating the scene.

The widely spaced double system of NGC5963 and NGC5964 are Sb spiral and SO (lenticular-type) galaxies. The latter was originally described as an elliptical galaxy with unusual gas and dust clouds. Located in Virgo, they are separated by 14’ in declination. NGC5964 appears to be relatively unfazed by the proximity of NGC5963. However the latter has open spiral arms. Both are bright and are good targets for small telescopes. The SO-galaxy is an oval glow, while the spiral is smaller because the arms have a low surface brightness and require a larger scope to be well seen.


Galaxies that are in physical contact, but do not appear to be in head-on collisions are a category I call “fly-by-night.” These graze pass one another with the outer rims of both interacting, but the main bodies remain intact. The smallest of the pair is usually “much worse for wear.” Eventually they will merge, but at the moment both galaxies are largely intact.

NGC3226 and NGC3227 is an easy target in Leo located a degree east of Gamma Leonis. At 11.4 and 10.3 magnitude, respectively, this pair is an elliptical and spiral galaxy. Their proximity has not distorted either appreciably, though deep photos show their halo stars are affected. With NGC3227 you should notice a bright stellar nucleus. It is a Seyfert galaxy with an explosive core powered by a super-massive black hole. This pair is relatively easy in a 6” and more impressive with increased aperture.

Canes Venatici is a small constellation but is well endowed with colliding galaxies. M51 is not only the favorite of the spring sky, but probably among any observer in the northern hemisphere. Called the Whirlpool Galaxy because of its easy-to-see spiral arms, it rates as the most famous interacting galaxy pair in the sky. NGC5194 and its dusty peculiar companion NGC5195 are 8.4 and 9.6 magnitude, respectively. Visible in binoculars, a 2.4” cm optical system will show it well. In moderate scopes the sweeping spiral structure may be seen and in instruments 12” and above, it can resemble its photograph.

If not overshadowed by the Whirlpool, NGC4485-90 could be the best-known colliding in Canes Venatici. It is a pair of Magellanic-type galaxies showing the slightest hints of spiral structure in good photos. The larger system NGC4490 (recently named the “Cocoon galaxy”) has a condensed nuclear region. Like the pair of NGC4618 and 25 above, this pair also shows dramatic star forming regions – only this time it is on the facing sides of each galaxy. Both are easy targets for a small telescope and are among the easiest interacting galaxies to find – less than a degree northwest of Beta Canum Venaticorium.


When galaxies hit hard, the result can be a real galactic mess! Spiral galaxies can become so distorted and tangled that two become one. A number of galaxies at first glance do look like one weird galaxy. The advent of HST and the super-large telescopes have sufficient resolution to bring a murky mess into sharp focus.

NGC4038 and NGC4039 – the Ringtail or Antennae galaxies – are a pair of spiral galaxies with “full contact.” The “ringtail” name comes from the shape of NGC4039 with a bright ring of stars in the outer periphery and the tail is the far-flung arms of NGC4038. The “antennae” name comes from the fact that the interaction has flung stars in a pair of slightly curved arcs many times the diameter of both galaxies into deep space. The larger NGC4039 was originally type Sb. NGC4038 is a small two-armed Sc spiral. The collision has energized star-forming nebula on the facing sides and thrown dust arcing between them. In a telescope the unusual shape is easily seem in a small telescope. Look at it carefully – what shape do you see?

NGC4676A and B – the Mice – is a pair of galaxies undergoing collision and major deformation. This is a faint target at 13th magnitude, visible in telescopes larger than 8”. “A” is an SBb-type, while “B” could be an edge spiral, but is difficult to discern even with the best images because of debris from “A” crossing its middle.

NGC5128 is another very bright, very peculiar galaxy – the merging spiral and giant elliptical galaxy. The pair has become one, but the dust of the spiral bisects the globe-shaped elliptical. Also designated radio source Centaurus A, this is probably the nearest major collision at 30 million light years distant. The dust belt bisecting what would otherwise appear to be a circular elliptical type galaxy is very dramatic.

There are many other bright colliding galaxies to be observed. A second list of ten galaxies can be found on Get out and enjoy the universe’s demolition derby and enjoy the spectacle unfold in the slowest of slow motions.

Data for Selected Targets

Name                           Coordinates (for brightest)    Mag.Vis.     Size (minutes arc)

M31/M32                    00h 42.7m       +41o 16’           3.4/8.1          185’x75’ / 11’x7.3’

NGC2207-IC2163      06  16.4           -21  22’            10.8/10.9         4.8×2.3 / 3.0×1.2

NGC3226-7                10   23.5          +19  52            11.4/10.3         2.5×2.4 / 6.9×5.4

NGC4038-9                12  01.9           -18  53             10.5/10.3         5.4×3.9 / 5.4×2.5

NGC4618-25              12   41.3  &n犀利士 bsp;       +41  09            10.8/12.3         4.1×3.2 / 1.4×1.3

NGC4485-90              12  30.6           +41  38            9.8/11.9           6.4×3.3 / 2.7×2.3

NGC4676                   12  46.2           +30  44            13.0/13.2         2.0×0.3 / 1.7×0.7

M51 (NGC5194-5)     13  29.9           +47  12            8.4/9.6             8.2×6.9 / 6.4×4.6

NGC5128                   13  25.5           -43  01             6.7                   31.0×23.0

NGC5363-4                13  56.1           +05  15            10.1/10.5         5.0×3.2 / 6.6×5.1

Added for their consideration for the magazine’s website:

The “Second Ten”

Name               Coordinates (brightest)           Mag.Vis.          Size (minutes arc)    Type

NGC750-1      01h   57.5m     +33 o 13           11.9/12.8         1.7×1.3 / 1.4×1.4          Ep/Ep

NGC770-2      01  59.3           +19  01            10.3/12.9         7.3×4.6 / 1.0×0.7         Sb/dE3

NGC1510-12  04  03.9           -43   21            12.4/10.2         2.3×1.1 / 8.3×3.6     SO?/SBa

NGC1531-2    04 12.1            -32  52             12.1/9.9           11.2×3.2/                 Sbp/SOp

NGC3395-6    10  49.8           +32  59            12.1/12.1         1.6×0.9 / 3.4×1.3         S(B)cdp/IBmp

NGC4435-8    12  27.8           +13  01            10.8/10.2         3.2×2.0 / 8.9×3.6         SBO/SO/ap

NGC4567-8    12  36.6           +11  14            11.3/10.8         2.7×2.3 / 4.7×2.2         Sbc/Sbc

NGC4627-31  12  42.1           +32  32            9.2/12.7           2.1×1.6 / 15.5×3.3       dE4p/Sc

NGC5963-5    15  34.0           +56  42            12.5/11.7         3.7×2.8 / 5.5×0.9        Sp/Sb

NGC6962-4    20h 47.3          +00  19            12.1/13.0         2.7×2.1 / 1.6×1.1        S(B)a/SOp

From Mineral News, Sept. 2001: Smithsonite Discovery in Cave in Rock, Illinois

By Alan Goldstein

            Although the mines of the Illinois-Kentucky fluorite district are no longer active, the thrill of discovery is still possible. The discovery described in this article was made in early May at the Hastie’s Mining Co. quarry near Cave in Rock. I have visited this site more times than I can count while leading university geology department trips and during the preparation of my major article on the district (Goldstein, 1997).

            Geophysics professor Hal Noltimier of The Ohio State University arranged this particular trip. His objective was to obtain specimens of minerals and ores for the geology department’s collections, as part of his current personal mission to gather ore samples from mines around the world to enhance their teaching collections. We planned to go to specific places on the Hastie’s property as well as several other mine dumps to obtain samples.

            In addition to Hal and his girlfriend, I invited geologist and friend Mark Easterbrook who traveled from the Charleston, South Carolina area to join us. Mark had collected with me in the past. Ron Stubblefield, curator of the Ben E. Clement Mineral Museum in Marion, Kentucky joined us as well. A Martin-Marietta geologist was to join us so we could check out their quarry east of the Hastie’s, but his plans fell though due to back problems.

            The first stop on our itinerary was the Hastie’s quarry located in an area of the fluorite district called Spar Mountain. (It is actually an escarpment.) Their limestone and sandstone mining operation is visible from several miles away (see photo 1). Fluorite has not been the Hastie’s bread and butter for a number of years since the bottom fell out of the fluorspar market. The first thing we noticed was a new entry road to the scale house – straight and wide – much better than the previous road, which was actually a county road. We met at the office and followed Bob Hastie to a section of the pit not being mined the day we were visiting. We were out of the way of their heavy equipment.

1.) Hastie Mining Co. operations. Crusher plant is to the left and the quarry is to the right.
1.) Hastie Mining Co. operations. Crusher plant is to the left and the quarry is to the right.

              The mined out area was 30 – 40 feet lower than during my last visit two years earlier. Previous collecting had been from the Lead mine (or Austin Lead mine) deposits in the upper Ste. Genevieve Limestone. This time, we collected from Minerva Oil Company’s mining operation in the 1950’s that was exposed during quarrying recently (see photo 2) in the middle of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone. Several tunnels were obvious. According to Don Hastie, their driller has experience that enables him to avoid or minimize the trouble caused by punching through the roof of the numerous mine tunnels, so they don’t break drill rods during their operations. The main inconvenience when they do penetrate is plugging the drill hole before placing the explosives.

2.) Mark Easterbrook in the Hastie quarry. Two old tunnels are exposed on the west wall.
2.) Mark Easterbrook in the Hastie quarry. Two old tunnels are exposed on the west wall.

            Although there were plenty of places to inspect, I zeroed in on a mine pillar on the south wall of the quarry which was dominated by purple fluorite (see photo 3).

3.) The pillar of fluorite with numerous pockets. The largest pocket in the center was largely devote of good crystals. The smithsonite pocket was below the wedged-shape rock to the right on the large pocket. A room exists behind this pillar.
3.) The pillar of fluorite with numerous pockets. The largest pocket in the center was largely devote of good crystals. The smithsonite pocket was below the wedged-shape rock to the right on the large pocket. A room exists behind this pillar.

One pocket I discovered was over a 30 cm in diameter, a 30 cm deep completely lined with 5mm – 1 cm cubes (see photo 4). There were numerous other pockets exposed, with primarily purple crystals of various sizes and luster.

4.)  Deep purple fluorite with brown calcite crystals
4.) Deep purple fluorite with brown calcite crystals

            The discovery was a pocket of gemmy purple fluorite with barite partially to completely covered with orangish-brown to yellowish-brown smithsonite in this pillar! I noticed a small fluorite lined opening, and opened it with a 3 pound sledge hammer and wide chisel. The smithsonite specimens are botryoidal or have small club-shaped crystals. They average 1mm in length and when they are not inter-grown, are typically doubly-terminated. Inter-grown crystals are quite interesting under low magnification. Some specimens and cleavages are “turkey-fat” color, a couple are chocolate brown and almost as lustrous as sphalerite!

            The occurrence of smithsonite is particularly curious, since I have not recorded a single sphalerite crystal in all my years studying the Hastie’s property. The pocket was almost 3 feet in length and varied from a couple to 10 inches in thickness. Immediately below the pocket was an unusual area where the limestone had been leached away, leaving a porous, silicious rock in its place (see photo 5).

5.) Mark Easterbrook pointing to the center of the smithsonite pocket. The “V”-shaped area on either side is the leached limestone, now consisting porous siliceous rock. The best smithsonite is from the bottom edge of the “V.”
5.) Mark Easterbrook pointing to the center of the smithsonite pocket. The “V”-shaped area on either side is the leached limestone, now consisting porous siliceous rock. The best smithsonite is from the bottom edge of the “V.”

            The paragenesis of this pocket seems to indicate the carbonate component came from the leached limestone below the pocket. The zinc must have migrated an unknown distance up-dip from the sphalerite source. The barite formed after the fluorite, and generally prior to the smithsonite. However some late-forming barite crystals smaller than 3 mm occur on the smithsonite. Photo 6 shows a closer view of the smithsonite pocket.

6.) Smithsonite pocket - brown crystals about 1mm long coat fluorite
6.) Smithsonite pocket – brown crystals about 1mm long coat fluorite

            We collected specimens from nearly a foot across to thumbnail size, with a few micromount specimens, too. I immediately donated one fine specimen to the Clement Mineral Museum, another to Hal Noltimier. We ended up with seven or eight flats of smithsonite.

            Above the smithsonite, Mark worked an area particularly rich in lustrous purple cubes (up to two inches across). Most of the specimens were so inter-grown, it was difficult to get any “knock-out” specimens (photo 7). In the adit on the far side of the pillar, I found a large pocket where a couple of nice lustrous yellow fluorite crystals and some small gemmy clear calcite were picked up (photo 8).

7.) A nice brown smithsonite specimen coating cubes of fluorite in Alan's collection.
7.) A nice brown smithsonite specimen coating cubes of fluorite in Alan’s collection.
8.) Mark Easterbrook looking for yellow fluorite in the adit behind the mine pillar.
8.) Mark Easterbrook looking for yellow fluorite in the adit behind the mine pillar.

            Ron Stubblefield collected a specimen with several late-forming tabular purple fluorite crystals perched on regular cubes. I found one like that associated with the smithsonite. Hal and Paula collected fluorite off the rock piles in the pit. One razor-shape crystal required him to dig into the first aid kit.

            Our plans to visit Rosiclare and mine dumps on top of Spar Mountain did not pan out, so Mark and I stayed in the pit as late as was practical. We visited the large mine tunnel and gingerly explored the first 100 feet (see photo 9). Roof bolts were hanging like iron stalactites: the 45 to 50 years of weathering – combined with the blasting above – had knocked the loose rock down from the roof of the tunnel. A number of specimens were found in the loose rubble. One was a 17 cm long specimen with cubes up to 6 cm wide, but they are somewhat etched. I also carried out a 30 cm -long boulder consisting of a doubly terminated honey-brown scalenohedral calcite crystal, deep purple fluorite and smaller calcite parallel crystals in pockets. This is the largest calcite crystal I have personally collected from Cave in Rock area. While aesthetic, it is not a high-quality piece and was placed my rock garden.

9.) Tunnel from the workings on the Minerva Oil Company originally accessed through the Crystal mine.
9.) Tunnel from the workings on the Minerva Oil Company originally accessed through the Crystal mine.

            Mark and I brought back 25 flats of specimens along with a bucket with ore samples for grab bags and fluorite cleavages to make octahedrons (photo 10) collected from other mine dumps. We cleaned and divided the specimens before he headed back home. At the last minute, I had used my clamshell luggage topper on his car to hold our camping gear. The last time I had been in a small car this fully-packed was on a cross country astronomy junket I did with a friend 20 years ago!

10.) Fluorite and smithsonite specimens on the ground before we packed them up.
9.) Fluorite and smithsonite specimens on the ground before we packed them up.

            After an incident a couple of years ago the Hastie’s changed their property-access policy and do not want to deal with groups or collectors they do not already know. I have known the owners for 18 years (geez, that’s hard to believe!) and respect their wishes. This is an active quarry with huge equipment and dangerous areas not suitable for inexperienced collectors. I will have some material available, although it is possible that most will be sold or traded before the article is published. I am scheduling another trip later this year, but with the Hastie operations, there is no telling what areas will be accessible and what will be found!


Goldstein, Alan, 1997. The Illinois-Kentucky Fluorite District, The Mineralogical Record, vol. 28, no. 1.

Minerals of the Walker Vein, Central Kentucky Fluorspar District

From Mineral News – June 2000

by Alan Goldstein

Louisville, KY

                The Walker vein one of the most well-known mineralized veins within the area described as the Central Kentucky Fluorspar District (see Anderson et al, 1982; Currier, 1923; Fohs, 1907, 1913). It has never been a source of economic mineralization, unlike some of the others. The claim to fame is its collectibility and beautiful minerals available to collectors.

                In brief, the Central Kentucky Fluorspar District, which cover all or parts of 16 counties is a typical Mississippi Valley type deposit. Unlike the Illinois – Kentucky Fluorspar District (see Goldstein, 1997), there are no significant bedding replacement type deposits. Most veins are associated with faults, which are very numerous. Over 125 veins are known with traces of barite according to Anderson, et al (1982).

                Exposed within the Middle Ordovician Lexington Limestone sought by the  Caldwell Stone Company, this locality lies on the southeast side of Danville, in Boyle Co., Kentucky. This vein was first documented by Robinson, (1931). It is actually part of a fault zone containing numerous veinlets in an area 200 feet wide and 2,000 feet long. The primary vein varies from as little as a few inches to nearly six feet wide (Anderson, et al, 1982). Collecting productivity varies with the width of the vein. The best mineralization occurs where the vein becomes cavernous.

                Minerals have been sought by local collectors in this quarry for many years. More recently, this locality has become regionally known, with regular visitors from surrounding states. Some strata within the quarry contained rare fossils, but these areas have been removed by regular operations, although a collector found a distorted, but complete 3” (8 cm) Isotelus trilobite on the dumps above the quarry in April.


                The mineralization is dominated by calcite and barite. The thickness of crystallized specimens on barite matrix can make for some pretty heavy specimens. During the February collecting trip, two specimens exceeding 100 pounds were obtained and the April trip netted a specimen which required a backhoe to load into the pick up. (How they got the specimen out I do not know!) In addition, a boulder weighing about 1000 pounds was collected in mid April and moved to the quarry office where it is prominently displayed on the front lawn. The writer has not studied this vein sufficiently to describe the mineral paragenesis, but Jolly & Heyl (1964) described the mineralization for the entire district. This article should be considered a preliminary report based on three collecting trips and observations of a number of specimens.

                Barite appears to be early forming, but occurs in stages throughout the history of mineralization (Jolly & Heyl, 1964). This mineral forms massive veins. Where fissures occur, it may be collected in crystals, often forming plates and rosettes. Aggregates are composed of flat blades 犀利士 or thin pod-shaped crystals typically 3 mm – 1 cm long (photo 1). Large crystals (i.e. solitary blades) have not been observed by the writer or described in the literature. Crystals are usually white, but have been noted as pale blue. Barite crystals can be lustrous or chalky depending on the collecting area. It may be colored brown or black by bitumen, either as a light tar-light coating or as dark inclusions within massive specimens.

Photo 1 - Barite in bladed crystals
Photo 1 – Barite in bladed crystals

                The most unusual specimens collected by the writer occur as parallel stalactitic aggregates, composed of stacks of 3 mm crystals neatly oriented  like a deck of cards spread at a 45 degree angle. The aggregates are often sprinkled with purple fluorite cubes (photos 2, 3, and 4).

Photo 2 - Odd barite with fluorite - a large slab
Photo 2 – Odd barite with fluorite – a large slab
Photo 3 - Odd barite with fluorite
Photo 3 – Odd barite with fluorite
Photo 4 - Odd barite with purple fluorite cubes
Photo 4 – Odd barite with purple fluorite cubes

                Calcite is probably the most abundant vein mineral. It occurs in various stages throughout the mineralization within the vein. Crystals are typically white or colorless, but may be pale lavender or pink. They are occasionally lustrous, but often have a silky luster due to some dissolution. Usually twinned, they are similar in form to those from the zinc deposits in Smith Co., Tennessee. Doubly terminated crystals are common, from one inch (2.5 cm)  to six inches (15 cm). Terminations are razor sharp, making collecting with good, thick gloves a necessity.

                Crystals are often associated with mud-filled cavities within the vein. These openings are often large and allow crystals to grow as much as two feet (60 cm) in length! One such crystal is in the collections of the Louisville Science Center, having been on display since 1985. (It will likely be taken off exhibit later this year when the new exhibit gallery will be created. It is uncertain whether it will be displayed in the future.) The April, 2000 collecting trip netted the author three crystals from between 14 and 18 inches (32 – 45 cm) in length. Unfortunately, most have some surface etching or were damaged by equipment before I found them.

                One specimen contained white phantoms forming a “cap” (covering only the top growth of the calcite) on a localized patch of doubly terminated twinned crystals. The white inclusion lay a millimeter below a clear mineralization.

                Chalcopyrite occurs as inclusions in calcite. They are usually thin wires oriented perpendicular to the faces of the calcite crystal. When cleaning barite specimens in HCl, as the calcite dissolves away, the illusive chalcopyrite can be seen. Occasionally it may be seen within transparent calcite crystals forming a zone few millimeters below the surface.

                Fluorite is very common in the vein. Crystals are generally cubic, from a few millimeters to a centimeter across. Crystals above 1 cm are rare from this locality. Within the district, Jolly & Heyl (1964) report a paragensis starting with white to buff, followed by bluish, clear, and finally purple. The latter color is pale or lavender and may have a dark purple rim (photo 4). Within a lower portion of the vein, I collected optically transparent fluorite in 5 mm crystals on barite. Some had a curious modification on one corner of the cube. Some crystals we coated with smithsonite. The most recent collecting trip netted some amber to yellow crystals. Iron stains played a role in creating these atypical colored cubes (for this locality).

                Smithsonite – this is the first published report of this mineral from the Walker Vein. It was collected in fair quantities in August, 1999. This late-forming mineral is associated with barite, decomposing sphalerite, fluorite and occasional etched calcite. Smithsonite is brown or yellow in color in botryoidal, boxwork and in microcrystals of a rhombohedral or scalenohedral habit. Occasionally sub-millimeter spheres and hemispheres are found. Yellow colored smithsonite occurs as tiny rhombs, presumably colored by greenockite, and is often associated with fossil broyozoans. Some microscopic crystal aggregates are associated with decomposing calcite. The calcite will look like parallel needles in the x-axis, while the adjacent smithsonite is growing in the y-axis!

                Some of the most interest specimens consist barite crystals coated with a thin veneer of smithsonite, sometimes sprinked with microcrystals.

                Sphalerite is an early forming mineral, occurring as blackish crystalline masses, usually in barite. Crystals or aggregates may be up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) across. Well-exposed sphalerite crystals are not common. Bill McKenzie collected an etched sphalerite crystal coated with either greenockite or cadmium-rich smithsonite in April. (Naturally, it was in a boulder that I let him work on after I decided to go elsewhere!)

                Strontianite is a later forming mineral that occurs is scattered occurrences through the vein. Curiously, celestine has not been documented from this locality. It occurs as white puff-ball aggregates from 3 – 8 mm in diameter. Stronitanite may be scattered on calcite, barite or fluorite.

Cleaning the specimens

                Specimens occurring in the mud-filled openings are best left alone and let the mud protect the specimen during transportation home. Specimens should be spread out and left to dry. At that time, the minerals can be blasted with a nozzled garden hose and the dried mud will pop off. Mud that does not come off immediately will with a second water blast a few minutes later. This prevents the gooey mud from being shoved into the microscopic cracks with a tooth brush.

Collecting at the Quarry

                The owners of this family-run quarry have been gracious to let individuals and clubs collect here over the years. Collecting hours are on Saturday from 7:30 am til noon. If you are traveling any great distance to collect here, contact the quarry or local collectors to see if it is going to be worth the effort. Although the vein spans the entire quarry, accessibility is limited to only a portion. Mineralization is restricted to areas around the vein and the swarm of smaller veinlets. The most productive collecting is associated with the widest veins. As would be expected, quarry operations cover a large area and blasting through the vein does not occur regularly. Presently the vein is exposed on several benches which are adjacent to highwalls of about 40 – 50 feet, both above and below.

Addendum: In recent years (2010+) the quarrying has moved away from the vein and the vein itself has pinched according to my friends.


Anderson, W. H., Trace, R. D., and McGrain, P., 1982, Barite deposits of Kentucky:         

Kentucky Geological Survey, Series XI, Bulletin 1, 56 p.

Currier, L.W., 1923, Fluorspar deposits of Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey,          

Series 6, vol. 13, 198 p.

Fohs, F. J., 1907, Fluorspar deposits in Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, Series    

3, Bulletin 9, 296 p.

Fohs, F. J., 1913, Baryte deposits of Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, Series         

4, Bulletin v.1, p. 441 – 558.

Goldstein, A., 1997, Illinois – Kentucky Fluorite District, Mineralogical Record, vol. 28,

no. 1, p. 3 – 49.

Jolly, J. L. and Heyl, A. V., 1964, Mineral paragensis and zoning in the Central Kentucky               

Mineral District: Economic Geology, v. 59, no. 4, p. 596 – 624.

Robinson, L. C., 1931, Vein deposits of central Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser.

6, v. 41, p. 3 -127.